Monday, July 7, 2008

Just another summer post.

So yeah I've not updated here in a while but camps like that. Not much in the ways of new music but I did discover Dr. Dog earlier which I do enjoy. Also managed to get the Ninja Rap - Vanilla Ice from the old Ninja Turtles movie. EPIC. This summer is really dramatic so far it seems, wonder if it has to do with global warming, haven't been myself lately rather and older version of myself I'm trying to do away with no matter unhealthy it seems to destroy who you are/were. I'd like to go home and see my family a sentiment I rarely. I dunno, something's off. RAWR. Anyways, rather than going on about my emoness in words, here is a song that can do it better. A mix of emotions, scariness, epicness, everything. ELO - Fire On High

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