Sunday, October 12, 2008
Amazing night last night ending at 4AM. But I spent the majority of yesterday getting music from a friend which I will try to cram in as much as possible. This is from the O Brother, Where Art Thou soundtrack and they are absolutely amazing songs. I've been gaining more appreciation for George Clooney lately after Burn After Reading and such, I still don't see how people think he's so damned attractive, which isn't to say he is ugly but yeah I dunno. Also Check out People Under The Stairs if you are looking for some good rap. I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow.mp3 Down To The River to Pray.mp3
Monday, September 29, 2008
iPod is back!
After a fiasco at the post office involving a misspelled surname and apparent computer flaws I finally liberated good ole Euterpe (My Ipod's name) from the clutches of the awful school post office. I think Fiasco is my new favorite word. Just need to locate my keys now, and I'll be set. The song for today is Weezer's Undone (The Sweater Song) but it is an acoustic live version that I thoroughly enjoy. I got it from a friend and it was on my ipod but she was kind enough to hook me up with the mp3 as well. Weezer is such an interesting band because they have such an eclectic sound while still having a distinct Weezer Sound. I like them a lot.
I've also been watching Weeds a lot lately to pass the time. I'm at the end of season 3 right now. It's pretty funny. They've also gotten a huge variety of artists to do the theme song (Little Boxes) ranging from ManMan to french people. So here's a few extra songs for kicks.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Friday is here. Time to Party! So I saw this band live for like five minutes at the beginning of the Summer but didn't appreciate them as much as I do now. This song Fake Empire is right up there with Hallejulah in terms of song I fuckin' love. It's not really a party song or anything but it's just amazing. Piano and horns and amazing vocals I wish I had and often try to imitate. But in terms of good crazy YAY its weekend Dance music I recommend Dan Deacon. The song for tonight though is The National's Fake Empire. The National - Fake Empire
Thursday, September 25, 2008
School has started
School started. I got here a month ago today, seems like less than that. I've already been to 3 concerts this semester. I saw Gaelic Storm again. Three times in a one year span. Good stuff. Nice contemporary Irish band with some traditional stuff. They didn't have the same energy they usually have but was still fun nonetheless. I managed to get a drink thanks to legal company. Then I saw Fools and Horses which is a pretty good band in the DC/Baltimore area that I highly recommend, I may post some of their stuff here at another time but you should buy it. Local small bands like this need support, they are slowly getting big methinks. The last concert I saw was Flogging Molly in Philadelphia and that was pretty flippin' sweet and totally worth the 2hr drive despite sucky openers. I got some pretty sweet cell phone pics, yeah I was that guy, but I was right up front and didnt have my normal camera. Rarely use that anymore. I started writing again a bit. A short story. Might go up in my lj when finished but that depends on finishing or not. Schools been largely boring so far this year. I've had good nights and nothing bad has happened but it lacks the freshness and new exciting liveliness it did as a freshman. Getting better though. The song for tonight's entry is one I thought I posted ages ago but apparently it didn't work out so yeah here is an awesome dance song by MGMT called Electric Feel. MGMT - Electric Feel
Post Script:
Tune into my radio show Mondays at 10-11 either available on Itunes > Radio > College Radio > Goucher or on I'll try and crank out a ton of new posts to make up for the hiatus. Ciao.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Just another summer post.
So yeah I've not updated here in a while but camps like that. Not much in the ways of new music but I did discover Dr. Dog earlier which I do enjoy. Also managed to get the Ninja Rap - Vanilla Ice from the old Ninja Turtles movie. EPIC. This summer is really dramatic so far it seems, wonder if it has to do with global warming, haven't been myself lately rather and older version of myself I'm trying to do away with no matter unhealthy it seems to destroy who you are/were. I'd like to go home and see my family a sentiment I rarely. I dunno, something's off. RAWR. Anyways, rather than going on about my emoness in words, here is a song that can do it better. A mix of emotions, scariness, epicness, everything. ELO - Fire On High
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Another quick post because of lack of exciting stories, however I did work a wedding on my day off and made 250 bucks catering. It was tiring and had a sore back but it was worth the money and the delicious food we got to eat when not working. Here is a fun dance song.Buena Vista Social Club - Clocks (Coldplay)
Keep rockin the summer away.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Summer Camp
I'm up at camp, and the new staff seems awesome, no clicks as far as I can tell and no creepy counselors either. Good Job Doug! Lots of new folk very few returners. But everyone is meshing real well. Excited to get to know them better. No exciting stories yet, so I'll cut to the chase. Here is a classic from the Proclaimers, which you should really invest in, they are fun band with more than just 500 miles as great songs.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
REM concert
Man in beer line with some ID complication kept saying "I'm just here to have a good time," thinking it would get him his beer. Ridiculous. Felt bad for the vendor she was cool.
Guy in front of us at one point:
"I don't see a single black person here." Completely out of nowhere, mildly offensive but humorous nonetheless.
2 Assholes, a guy and his douchelady, refused to sit down in front of the openers so 4 people sitting behind them had to move even though they were asked, they shouldve moved to seats that wouldnt block anyone. Pissed me off. One of the excuses I heard he said was "This isn't a symphony" as if symphonies are the only occasion to respect fellow attendees. RAWR.
All in all it was a really fun show. Nothing epic or special. but legit like fun, just good vibes and perfect weather. Here's a nice summer song I've been playing a lot in my head,
P.s. The Live version of Must of Got Lost by J. Geils is AMAZING, Buy it seriously worth the 99 cents on itunes. Canned version is decent but the intro to live version is epic. Gotta represent MA. Woostah pride!
Friday, June 13, 2008
So I'm seeing R.E.M. with Modest Mouse and The National as openers tonight with my good friend Chris. So naturally you'd think I'd put up music by any of the three bands. But will I? Hell No! And I'm wicked tired so here's the music to remember right now and BUY! Save America with your Capitalism. First is Biz Markie cuz he is a classic Just A Friend - Biz Markie
Secondly this is by Walter Murphy, you might recognize the name because he does the music for Family Guy now after doing this way back when though this piece surprisingly appeared in an episode. But yeah He's part of the magic of Family Guy right along side Cherry Chevapravatdumrong. (Mentioned solely because of her extreme last name) it's real watch the credits/IMDb that shit. In 3 days time I leave for work and this blog may disappear or just be infrequent in it's posting.
Friday, June 6, 2008
All y'all eastcoasters probably don't know what GhostRiding the Whip is. First of all, don't try it unless your crazy and bored, secondly don't do it donut style because it'll get you run over like the dumbass on YouTube. It's when you put your car/bus in neutral and dance outside of it as it goes along. It can be fun if done properly (i.e. in the rain up a slope while blasting TOTO!) because that was an amazingly fun night. No matter how soaked EVERYTHING got. I miss being at school with all my crazy friends. 10 Days to Camp. Excited. Very. Largely because I just need to meet new people in my life. ASAP. We had a retirement party for my old Kindergarten teacher tonight and I realized how annoying pleasantries are to me. Like when you show up late for a party and walk down a line of people "Hey How Are You? Good." x 1000000. They are obviously going to give the same answer they gave to the last person you heard. And even if they weren't good, no one would actually say so. It's just pointless formalities , no one really wants to hear your latest tragedy right away, maybe later in a more real conversation possibly but agh. I'm so divided between wanting to be a hermit and needing social interaction no matter how stupid I find it. 1 week until r.e.m. avec Modest Mouse et Le National.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Been a while
Sorry it's been a few days since I've made a post. Here's a story leading to (one of?) the songs I am posting. I was in Harvard Sq. to meet Dov and Dom for lunch. It was great seeing them again. It will def be the last time I see Dov for a long time being all graduated and whatnot, and Dom is CA-ing off campus next year so it'll be hard to bother him. Then they left and I stopped by Urban Outfitters to raid the clearance section, nothing there worth my money. Went to Finagle a Bagel for my usual meal and saw an ex I haven't seen in ages walk past the window, did not engage would've been weird/dangerous. The milk I bought was best by June 1st. It was June 2nd. Ew. Anyways, down in the station whilst waiting for my bus back to Watertown, I had my headphones around my neck but full volume, and this jerkface mcgee asks me to turn it down because he was reading his book. We were in a public area and he wanted quiet? A BUS STATION! It pissed me off but I obliged and turned it down, it wasn't enough so he walked away. Then wound up talking to someone anyway. He was on my bus too, made an obvious point of sitting as far away as he could. RAWR, I was tempted to move closer to him just to show him what's what. If it was angry or offensive music, I'd be okay with it. But it was Sigur Ros. Sigur fuckin Ros. One of the most pleasant calming bands to listen to.
And this song I took the time to actually listen to the lyrics too and it cracked me up so here it is:
I made yet another trip to Newbury Comics since the bus back was going past it anyway. Picked up Marvel Civil War, pretty freaking good. Today I got Superman Red Son finally and DMZ #1. DMZ was really good. Red Son was pretty fantastic even a second time. Gotta finish yard work soon earn money for more. Need rest of DMZ, and Sandman if Josh Elias can't get it to me, along with all the other series he recommended.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Summer Heat
I've no exciting stories to tell. I've just been sweating away in my room, starving to death as sleep takes ages to come every night. So I've been doing a lot of reading, graphic novels, comics, a book, anything to pass the time. As well as my emulator and watching this show Reaper online. Decent show. The Watchmen by DC Comics is a great read, brings a lot of realism to super heroes and comic books, I suggest it to anyone. World War Z is as thorough and realistic as Zombie Survival Guide was, I'm plan to finish The Watchmen tonight and then move fully into WWZ. Anyways, the song for this entry is perhaps not the song I thought it was. I mean it is. But I heard a song on the radio in the car once while my dad was running into the liquor store right quick, and I tried to remember the artist and song but with my shoddy memory span it may have been a different song entirely, but I found this one in my search and I like it a lot, it's kinda summery ish but political? or just deep. So I hope y'all enjoy and spread the word of this Blog to yer friends so I actually have a purpose in posting this stuff up here.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Iron Man
I saw Iron Man opening day as any red blooded American should have. It is a damn amazing movie. But I am seeing it again tomorrow with my father because he has yet to see it, and it is totally worth seeing twice. So tonight he took out an Amazing Tales of Suspense with one of the original Iron Man in it. It wasn't the first but definitely one of the first, just reading an old comic like that was amazing. The ads alone were so awesome in their retro old fashion way, all the science kits you could get, monkeys, trapesing sea horse, hypnotism, little stories. Earlier today though, I went to Newbury Comics for the third time this week. They didn't have Civil War which was my main reason for going there, so I picked up Punisher Max instead. Pretty good. Shit gets fucked. So I asked my favorite staff member a.k.a. lady I've talked to the last two times I've been, if she had any good recommendations for summer music, something along the lines of The Fratellis (New Album June 10th) or The Who. So she recommended Foxboro Hot Tubs and got a store own copy for me to listen to on a CD player they have for that purpose which I did not know until today. It was real good so I got it, it's Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day with some other folks. I need to find out that clerks name cuz she is real cool. Anyways here is an awesome Jazz cover of Iron Man (Black Sabbath) and some Foxboro Hot Tubs. If you like these artists, please buy their stuff. They need money, this is America.
Foxboro Hot Tubs,
Iron Man,
The Bad Plus,
The Fratellis,
The Who
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Another sleepless night on the dawn of something new yet old
Nearly 3 Am and I'm still awake. What a surprise. I need to get regular sleep schedule soon because I leave for work in just over 2 weeks, and once there I'll need to be up at 630-7 every morning to deal with the little buggers. Anyways, I'm really looking forward to it. The place forces me to be raw. like. Real me vs. world, shows me how I am with working. Yes I am with friends (hopefully. big turn over year but I highly doubt Doug hires a bunch of buttclowns) so it's something to look forward to. Because living at home doesn't do much for me, not many friends hereleft because of the life I've lead while I was in this place so I stay in bed, with my movies online, comic books, and occasionally food. Food needs to increase because I somehow have lost weight. Me. Weight gone. Thought impossible, apparently not. But I don't want to rush out of here for camp, nor do I truly wish I was back at school because I am here. Home. It still is home as much as it has changed on me. And I am one of those fools who believes in purpose and reason. So I'm not rushing to leave though I do welcome it. In the words of Dawson, from the great movie, especially for summer, Dazed and Confused: Well, all I'm saying is that I want to look back and say that I did I the best I could while I was stuck in this place. Had as much fun as I could while I was stuck in this place. Played as hard as I could while I was stuck in this place... Dogged as many girls as I could while I was stuck in this place.
Not that I'm playing ball here. Or Dogging girls. Which I have shamefully done in the past.
Anyways, to prove my point and spread this amazing song that is hard to find here is an epic song to listen to for all occasions, except dancing or like rocking out. Well, yes to rocking out yourself in that goofy cathardic way. not Jam fest with your bros in upsidedown visors with prefrayed brims and crap.
Why am I hating on the different?
Warning: Not to be taken too seriously, I'm an angry arse (alliteration!) and just have a lot to say. I don't stand by most of it, just thoughts.
I'm not racist I just hate race. As long as people make race an issue, it's an issue. Like Asians? Yeah, Americans are racist towards Asians, but those issues get resolved and not turned into some hyped up media bullshit on years of oppression and times that no one alive was part of let alone responsible for. I hate how on shit like the SATs you gotta surrender your entire identity (heh due to a typo I realized titty is in identity) ((please excuse my childish comments my mind lives in the gutter)) to where your ancestors are from. Fuck your ancestors, not really of course incestual necrophilia is bad....really gross. Anyways yeah, damn statistics are effecting how people are viewed? It should be left up to the individuals merit to determine how someone is treated. You want respect? Regardless of melanin levels you should work your ass off to deserve it. This coming from a lazy wasteful fuck but I don't care, I'm glad with what I have and done, yeah I'm not proud of it all but I've worked to get here and like it, even with the regret. So. Point is. Fuck Communism. People shouldn't all be the same. Fuck Capitalism, I still see green shirts on sale because of St. Patricks Day Capitalist Pricks desperate to make a buck off my people. I'm fuckin Irish American and it pisses me off. (Please pick up on the subtleties here. Please. It's fucking ironic) But Capitalism looks good on paper. Anyways yeah, to give my respect to the Soviet Comrades here is something from the Red Army Choir that is very talented. Please be reminded that this blog as all others should be, is to spread lesser heard music, not for pure enjoyment. Buy the albums if you want more of an artist, if I post it, it's worth buying unless I say otherwise.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Getting up and running
So this blog doesn't die out fast which would deprive countless thousands of orphans of good music to pirate on their laptops, I am going to be adding as many entries as I can to keep this kickin'. That and the fact that two weeks from now, work will severely limit if not make this blog comatose. I will be in the wilderness with little internet connection. But this song sums up what I want to happen:
Racist Emu Pi, A Blog is Born.
I've been meaning to make a music blog for a while but didn't know how. The other day whilst talking to my friend Liz, she recommended I do it, with nothing better to do, I poked around the internet and finally got it up and running. It took quite a bit o' tinkerin' but here it is, Racist Emu Pi, which has a hidden meaning, I wonder if Ghost world has a meaning, which is the movie that the above song is in. Great, sad, movie with Thora Birch, Steve Buscemi and Scarlett Johansson. I recommend it to everyone. Enjoy this older rock style Indian song. As the grand opening of Racist Emu Pi!
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