Sunday, October 12, 2008


Amazing night last night ending at 4AM. But I spent the majority of yesterday getting music from a friend which I will try to cram in as much as possible. This is from the O Brother, Where Art Thou soundtrack and they are absolutely amazing songs. I've been gaining more appreciation for George Clooney lately after Burn After Reading and such, I still don't see how people think he's so damned attractive, which isn't to say he is ugly but yeah I dunno. Also Check out People Under The Stairs if you are looking for some good rap. I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow.mp3 Down To The River to Pray.mp3

Monday, September 29, 2008

iPod is back!

After a fiasco at the post office involving a misspelled surname and apparent computer flaws I finally liberated good ole Euterpe (My Ipod's name) from the clutches of the awful school post office. I think Fiasco is my new favorite word. Just need to locate my keys now, and I'll be set. The song for today is Weezer's Undone (The Sweater Song) but it is an acoustic live version that I thoroughly enjoy. I got it from a friend and it was on my ipod but she was kind enough to hook me up with the mp3 as well. Weezer is such an interesting band because they have such an eclectic sound while still having a distinct Weezer Sound. I like them a lot. 
I've also been watching Weeds a lot lately to pass the time. I'm at the end of season 3 right now. It's pretty funny. They've also gotten a huge variety of artists to do the theme song (Little Boxes) ranging from ManMan to french people. So here's a few extra songs for kicks.

Friday, September 26, 2008


Friday is here. Time to Party! So I saw this band live for like five minutes at the beginning of the Summer but didn't appreciate them as much as I do now. This song Fake Empire is right up there with Hallejulah in terms of song I fuckin' love. It's not really a party song or anything but it's just amazing. Piano and horns and amazing vocals I wish I had and often try to imitate. But in terms of good crazy YAY its weekend Dance music I recommend Dan Deacon. The song for tonight though is The National's Fake Empire.  The National - Fake Empire

Thursday, September 25, 2008

School has started

School started. I got here a month ago today, seems like less than that. I've already been to 3 concerts this semester. I saw Gaelic Storm again. Three times in a one year span. Good stuff. Nice contemporary Irish band with some traditional stuff. They didn't have the same energy they usually have but was still fun nonetheless. I managed to get a drink thanks to legal company. Then I saw Fools and Horses which is a pretty good band in the DC/Baltimore area that I highly recommend, I may post some of their stuff here at another time but you should buy it. Local small bands like this need support, they are slowly getting big methinks. The last concert I saw was Flogging Molly in Philadelphia and that was pretty flippin' sweet and totally worth the 2hr drive despite sucky openers. I got some pretty sweet cell phone pics, yeah I was that guy, but I was right up front and didnt have my normal camera. Rarely use that anymore. I started writing again a bit. A short story. Might go up in my lj when finished but that depends on finishing or not. Schools been largely boring so far this year. I've had good nights and nothing bad has happened but it lacks the freshness and new exciting liveliness it did as a freshman. Getting better though. The song for tonight's entry is one I thought I posted ages ago but apparently it didn't work out so yeah here is an awesome dance song by MGMT called Electric Feel.  MGMT - Electric Feel
Post Script:
Tune into my radio show Mondays at 10-11 either available on Itunes > Radio > College Radio > Goucher or on I'll try and crank out a ton of new posts to make up for the hiatus. Ciao.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Just another summer post.

So yeah I've not updated here in a while but camps like that. Not much in the ways of new music but I did discover Dr. Dog earlier which I do enjoy. Also managed to get the Ninja Rap - Vanilla Ice from the old Ninja Turtles movie. EPIC. This summer is really dramatic so far it seems, wonder if it has to do with global warming, haven't been myself lately rather and older version of myself I'm trying to do away with no matter unhealthy it seems to destroy who you are/were. I'd like to go home and see my family a sentiment I rarely. I dunno, something's off. RAWR. Anyways, rather than going on about my emoness in words, here is a song that can do it better. A mix of emotions, scariness, epicness, everything. ELO - Fire On High

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Another quick post because of lack of exciting stories, however I did work a wedding on my day off and made 250 bucks catering. It was tiring and had a sore back but it was worth the money and the delicious food we got to eat when not working. Here is a fun dance song.Buena Vista Social Club - Clocks (Coldplay)
Keep rockin the summer away.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Summer Camp

I'm up at camp, and the new staff seems awesome, no clicks as far as I can tell and no creepy counselors either. Good Job Doug! Lots of new folk very few returners. But everyone is meshing real well. Excited to get to know them better. No exciting stories yet, so I'll cut to the chase. Here is a classic from the Proclaimers, which you should really invest in, they are fun band with more than just 500 miles as great songs.